Parents whose infants have colic know the anguish of being unable to take the pain away. In those cases, finding a solution quickly becomes the main focus. Every baby is different, so it may take some trial and error to discover which remedy works best. There is no need to suffer alongside the infant. Some use gripe water like Mommy’s Bliss and soft music or if you asked my late Grandpa he might say “rub the baby’s lower lip with some whiskey, that’ll do it!”

Baby with colic, gripe
Photo by Michael Morse on

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Well, it’s 2023 here not the 80’s, so I’m not pushing the whiskey trick here. I’m just saying there’s more than one way to deal with the agony of colic. The following are some reliable treatments to help fellow dads deal with them:

doll sleeping on the ground beside her piano.
Wonderful Lullabies

1. Music / Audio Stimuli

Lullabies, classical music tailored for babies, and CDs or Youtube channels that mimic a heartbeat or womb sounds are very common techniques to ease colic symptoms in infants.

Daddy Simply’s Wonderful Lullabies offers a nice selection of soft music to help your baby calm his colic and for falling asleep fast. For some babies, the sound of a running dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, or vacuum can be very calming. Even a simple “shhhhhhh” sound, whispering, humming, or singing can have a soothing effect.

2. Diet Adjustment

Bottle-fed babies with colic may see a difference if the formula is changed to a soy-based formula. Moms who are breastfeeding should examine their own diet to check for any foods that may be causing problems for their babies.

To see if there is any effect, eliminate one of the following items for a period of one week: dairy, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and gas-producing foods like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kimchi, spicy ramen, onions, peppers, melons, tomatoes, citrus fruits, beans, and peanuts. Bascially everything you enjoy!

3. Gripe Water(Mommy’s Bliss)

I remember my mom, who was a nurse, talking about gripe water when I was young, but I didn’t know what it was until 2017 when I became a father. For us French Canadians, ‘gripe’ means a ‘cold’…cough, sneeze, aaachoo!…kinda cold. So I never understood why in the world someone would drink ‘gripe’ water. Well, here I am today a little smarter!

Like many products for your little one, you should always look at its contents and ingredients We liked the beloved Mommy’s Bliss brand just be sure that it will suit your baby. Many brands advertise that their product is natural, yet include artificial additives and preservatives which could potentially aggravate colicky babies’ digestive systems.

Mommy’s Bliss’ active ingredients include Organic Ginger and Fennel Extracts plus Organic Chamomile, Lemon Balm, and Passion Flower. It’s a best-selling product for this kind of colic discomfort.

It is worth noting that not all gripe waters are effective.

person massaging baby s back. Baby massage. The practical art of baby massage
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on

4. Warm Aromatherapy bath Soaking & Massage

To help relieve gas pains, add a few drops of lavender to a warm bath and use massage techniques on the tummy area. Also, The Practical Art of Baby Massage by Peter Walker is a great source to learn massage techniques for your baby…could be used on the wifey too, but that’s another article.

The web offers choices of oils for these massages like lavender, chamomile, and fennel. Additionally, many parents have found the tool “Baby Brezza” helpful for massage, and have been very popular for the past few years.

a newborn baby sleeping
Photo by Adele Morris on

5. Wrapping Up

A sense of comfort and safety is often provided for babies when they are swaddled or held close to the chest of a parent since it reminds them of the womb. I sure have no womb to speak of, but I held my son for hours, upon hours, in his Baby Bjorn, when he was little and I’d redo it all over again if needed. It works wonders!

Many newborns are soothed in nurseries with swaddling. It is not difficult to learn how to fold the soft and stretchy blanket; you can find instructions and diagrams on YouTube or find a blog on ‘how to wrap a baby snugly’. A great pre-made wrap that you should try is “Finn + Emma” – it is easy to find on the Finn + Emma site.

6. Motion

To comfort infants, parents often turn to the classic rocking chair. Some parents even push a stroller or drive in the car until the baby drifts off. If a parent needs their hands free, they can put the infant in a chest carrier or a sling.

Also, there’s a popular hold to help is known as the “colic hold” which involves the baby facing down across the arm, with the parent’s hand providing gentle pressure on the abdomen. Your baby will look like a tiger sleeping on a branch.

A lot of babies enjoy being outdoors, and nearly all babies are fond of swings. Experiment with various motions to determine which soothes the baby the best.

Symptoms of colic

It’s typical for infants to cry and fuss. Despite being generally healthy, newborns with a colic cry more than typical babies do. Additional signs of colic may include:

–Crying without apparent cause. They don’t need a diaper change or to eat, for instance.
–Crying every day at the same time(s). Babies with colic may get fussy as the day draws to a close. Nevertheless, crying can strike at any time.
–Crying while clenching their fists or bending their legs.
–Crying out in pain-like cries.
–Weeping and getting red.

Your baby may sound like he’s inhaling air while he cries. Your little one can get gas as a result. It may cause his stomach to feel tight or appear large. Afterward, he might exhibit some symptom relief, if and when he passes gas.


Colic has a long and complicated history, but in this day and age, there are many ways to help ease the pain. And plenty of YouTube videos and blogs that can help. While your infant may be able to go through the entire experience without any major discomfort, others may need some help at different stages. Find the method that works best for your baby(and you) and make sure you stick with it!

When it comes to colic, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. You’ll have to find what works best for your child and adapt it as needed. The most important thing is to avoid giving up, getting frustrated with their symptoms, or relying on Grandpa’s whiskey solution.

If things seem too difficult or painful for you or your child, and the tips above including the Mommy’s Bliss did not work, talk about it with his doctor. Or talk to someone else like a family member or friend to get a second opinion on what to do. Your little one’s colic will pass, some have it harsher than others.

Again, enjoy this time. They’re only young once!

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