What is Co-Sleeping?
One aspect of parenting that has sparked much debate is co-sleeping, or sharing a bed with your baby. Co-sleeping can be a controversial topic, with conflicting opinions and concerns about safety.
In this article, we will explore the risks and benefits of co-sleeping, providing insights from various sources and offering safety tips for new parents. So, let’s dive in and discover the truth about co-sleeping with your baby from a dad’s perspective.
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The Benefits of Co-Sleeping
Co-sleeping, or bed sharing, is a practice where the baby sleeps in close proximity to the parents. Many parents find co-sleeping to be a wonderful way to bond with their babies and promote a sense of security. Research suggests that co-sleeping can have several benefits for both the baby and the parents.
Bonding and Emotional Development
Many parents choose to co-sleep with their newborns because it can facilitate a stronger bond between parent and child. Sleeping in close proximity to your baby can provide more opportunities for physical touch and cuddling. This extra hugging and touching can help promote attachment and emotional security.
Not to compare your child to a chimpanzee or a deer, but think about all the mammals in the world and all the animals you can think of, most, if not all co-sleep. I’ve never heard of a mother beaver putting a mini-beaver into a separate enclosure for the baby’s safety. It’s mostly a Western thing to sleep in separate areas. Many of theย Eastern countriesย use co-sleeping very naturally, including here in Korea.ย

Regulation of Sleep Cycles
Co-sleeping can also help regulate the baby’s sleep cycles. Research suggests that babies who co-sleep tend to have more regular sleep patterns and better self-regulation of their sleep-wake cycles. This can contribute to more restful sleep for the baby and better sleep quality for the entire family.
Enhanced Sense of Security
For some babies, co-sleeping provides a sense of security and comfort. Being in close proximity to their parents can help them feel safe and protected, reducing anxiety and promoting a more peaceful sleep environment. This enhanced sense of security can also contribute to a smoother transition to independent sleep as the baby grows older.
Easier Breastfeeding
That’s not my department but it did work for my wife. It really depends on your arrangement at home. Co-sleeping can make breastfeeding more convenient and accessible for your wife. Rather than having to get up and go to a separate room to feed the baby, your wife can simply reach over and nurse while lying down.
Helps Regulate the Baby’s Body
According to the University of California, Berkeley, there is some evidence that co-sleeping with a newborn can help with their bodies. This is because the close proximity to the parent can help regulate the baby’s breathing, heart rate, and temperature
The Risks and Concerns of Co-Sleeping
While there are potential benefits to co-sleeping, it’s important to consider the risks and concerns associated with this practice. Understanding these risks can help parents make informed decisions about their sleeping arrangements.
Risk of SIDS
One of the primary concerns with co-sleeping is the increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants sleep in a separate sleep surface, such as a crib or bassinet, in the parents’ room for at least the first six months. This recommendation is based on evidence that shows a reduced risk of SIDS when the baby sleeps in their own space.
Potential Risks of Suffocation
Co-sleeping can pose a risk of suffocation, especially when soft bedding, pillows, or blankets are present in the adult bed. The baby’s head may become covered, increasing the risk of suffocation. It is crucial to ensure a safe sleep environment for the baby, free from any potential hazards.
Restless Sleepers
Some babies are restless sleepers and may move around a lot during the night. This restlessness can increase the risk of accidental injury during co-sleeping. The movements of the baby, such as rolling or shifting position, can unintentionally lead to the baby being pushed against pillows, blankets, or the adult’s body, potentially obstructing their airway. This also can lead to fatigue and sleep deprivation, which can negatively impact a parent’s mental and physical health.
Risky Behavior of Adults
It is important to consider the behavior of the adults sharing the bed with the baby. Adults who consume alcohol, smoke, or take sedatives may be at a higher risk of unintentionally harming the baby during co-sleeping. These substances can impair their awareness and responsiveness, making them less able to respond to the baby’s needs during sleep.
Soft Bedding and Suffocation Hazards
Soft bedding, such as pillows, comforters, or fluffy blankets, can pose suffocation hazards for the baby. It is essential to create a safe sleep environment with a firm mattress and minimal bedding to reduce the risk of suffocation.
Dependency Issues
Co-sleeping can create dependency issues if the baby becomes accustomed to sleeping near the parent. This can make it difficult to transition the baby to independent sleep habits in the long term. So now, that’s our tiny little issue at home.
My son slept with me for years, and now and then he asks for us to join him in his bed or his scatters to our room to join my snoring session. I simply see this as a transitional period that will fade with time. Although my son has his own room and his own bed he still comes over in the middle of the night to the safest place he can find.
Reduced Privacy and Intimacy
Co-sleeping can impact a couple’s privacy and intimacy, as it can be difficult to find time and space for physical intimacy while sharing a bed with a baby. This can lead to relationship strain and decreased satisfaction.
This is up to the couple really and how big the house is… I mean, if you have a sofa or another room, those make the perfect spots for ‘that’ moment with your spouse. There are other ways to show intimacy while having your baby in bed.
Safe Co-Sleeping Practices
If you choose to co-sleep with your child, it’s important to follow safe sleep guidelines to reduce the risk of suffocation and entrapment. The AAP recommends the following practices for safe co-sleeping:
Separate Room for Baby Sleep
Consider creating a separate sleep space within your bedroom for the baby. This can be achieved by using a bassinet, co-sleeper, or a crib attached to your bed. Having a dedicated space for the baby promotes safety and reduces the risk of accidental injury during sleep.
Avoid Soft Bedding
Remove any soft bedding, including pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, from the sleep area. These items can pose suffocation hazards for the baby. Instead, use a firm mattress with a fitted sheet and dress the baby in appropriate sleepwear to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Be Mindful of Bed Partners
Consider the presence of other bed partners, such as older children or pets. Ensure that they do not pose a risk to the baby during sleep. Older children should have a separate sleep space, and pets should be kept off the bed to prevent accidental suffocation or injury.
Monitor Baby’s Positioning
Regularly check the baby’s positioning during sleep to ensure they are not at risk of becoming trapped or suffocated. Place the baby on their back, with their feet touching the foot of the bed, to promote a safe sleep position.
Trust Your Instincts
As a parent, it is important to trust your instincts and prioritize the safety and well-being of your baby. If co-sleeping does not feel right for your family, explore alternative sleeping arrangements that provide a safe and comfortable sleep environment for everyone.
Quality Time
I co-slept with my son for about 5 years! Yes, I slept with my son for 5 years on a mat on the floor. Very comfortable, and very typical of Korean families.
Our co-sleeping arrangement provided me with the ‘daddy superpowers’ that I only read about in books. No, not flying or throwing cars around, more of the incredible bonding power that our nightly zzz provided us with.
I’m still reaping the benefits of having my little guy beside me while I snored like a tank.
While co-sleeping is a natural and healthy behavior for many families, there are some risks associated with it. These include the potential for suffocation or entrapment, as well as disrupted sleep patterns for parents. But the sleep quality for both me and my son was very good.
But, there are many more benefits also. I highly recommend sleeping with your child until whatever age you feel appropriate. As you know, I’m in Korea, so things are much different here compared to Western societies. Follow your instincts and your doctor’s view too.
In addition to following some safe co-sleeping practices, it’s also important to follow good sleep hygiene. Continue to establish a consistent bedtime routine, read aloud to your baby every day, limit daytime naps, and avoid late afternoon naps.
Follow my style and get a good night’s sleep with your little boy or girl! It’s a great way to easily bond during early childhood. Enjoy!
**You can also read posts on this site about how to make your baby sleep fast! Follow me on Youtube as well… Not sure if your room is dark enough for your child? Check this article out~~

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